Thursday 13 September 2012

Productive Cycle & Destructive Cycle

Let's Understand Productive Cycle & Destructive Cycle:
Productive cycle:
Fire produces Earth : Fire Burns and Creates Ash(Earth)
Earth creates Metal : Metal is mined from the earth
Metal makes water : Metal melts & becomes liquid state like water
Water produces Wood : By Watering Plants We can grow them.
Wood makes Fire : To produce fire we need to burn wood.

Destructive Cycle:
Wood Devours Earth : Trees grows on earth and absorbs away all minerals and leave the earth barren
Earth Destroys Water : Earth absorbs all the water when it rains
Water Extinguishes Fire : Water helps in putting off fire
Fire Consumes Metal : Fire melts the metal
Metal Demolishes Wood : Equipment made of metal helps in cutting the trees.

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