Sunday 21 July 2013

A great feng shui bed placement:

Place the bed in the ideal Feng shui spot for your bed - the so-called Feng shui commanding position.
Feng shui commanding position is the area further from the door / diagonally from the door, but not in line with the door. In other words, you want to be able to see the door while in bed, but not be aligned with the door.

The other Feng shui criteria for a good bed placement are:

  • Good supporting wall behind your bed.
  • Grounding and balanced energy on both sides (e.g. nightstands.)
  • No sharp angles (from wall or furniture corners) pointing at you while you sleep.
  • It is always smart to position your bed away from the walls that have electric appliances on either side (the computer, the fridge, or the TV.) And, of course, it is best Feng shui to limit (or completely eliminate!) the electrical appliances in your bedroom.
  • Avoid a bed in line with the bedroom door, as well as any other doors - be they balcony doors, bathroom door, walk-in closet or patio doors.
  • If possible, place the bed according to your best, or lucky feng shui directions. 
  • Do not place your bed in a corner or angle the bed in a room just so that you can sleep facing your best feng shui directions. And do not sleep in the living room just so that you can face your best directions.

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